How to make test automation simpler?

test automation is simpler with STELA

Test Automation

Software automation is undoubtedly a very effective solution to accelerate results. However, we have observed that many companies have their reservations about it, many doubts or failed experiences.

The reality is that automation:

  1. It is a great ally of productivity and significantly optimizes TIME.
  2. It applies to companies of all types and sizes.
  3. You have to be selective, not all test cases or processes are good candidates for automation.
  4. It must be managed strategically and with user-friendly tools.

In this sense, tools such as STELA are ideal to address automation in the shortest possible time and with few barriers to adoption by QA teams.

STELA is one of the few tools with which time savings can reach 70%. On the one hand it is due to the agile execution of the process or test and on the other hand, being ZERO CODE, it drastically reduces the time required in the creation of robots.

In addition, its simple interface and language allows it to be used by non-technical profiles, who are more oriented to business and to evaluate the functionality of the developments and projects in view of the end user’s expectations.

The simplicity in the use of STELA allows functional roles from IT, commercial, project, innovation or administrative areas to build robots to test critical business paths. This drastically reduces the gap in the adoption of this new technology.

Another reason that sometimes makes automation itself seem complex is the need to maintain test automation in the face of frequent application changes. To avoid these instances STELA has incorporated an Artificial Intelligence engine that solves, through artificial vision and automatically, the adjustments required by changes in the user interface. This increases the consistency of the automations and greatly minimizes the maintenance of the automations, and thus the time and money spent on this task.

Benefits that make STELA a tool that empowers QA teams

  1. It can automate applications that involve more than one technology, in the same project and in the same execution. This allows for example to automate flows that start in a web application and continue in a mobile application.
  2. It can handle a variety of scenarios and reuse automations to save time and effort.
  3. It allows you to reuse tests by varying only the data, thus generating different test cases, alternative flows or perform massive data operations, so imagine all the time you can save!
  4. Generates reports and results reports that indicate failures and improvement opportunities useful to empower QA teams with agile, more accurate and timely results.
  5. Affordable: Single license for multiple users and free access to application automation capabilities at no additional cost.
  6. Provides the ability to run tests on device farms in the cloud (Browserstack, GCC), in order to scale tests to different types of devices and versions without requiring investment in emulators or physical devices.
  7. Application support:
    • Web
    • Windows Desktop
    • Mobile (Android and iOS)
    • Java Swing
    • Oracle Forms
    • SAP Business One
  8. Close and agile support, with documentation and training in Spanish.

STELA makes work simpler, more productive and automation a tool for productivity and not a headache or a burden on the budget.

See how simple it is to automate with STELA

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