Easily Automate Software Testing

easiily automate software testing with STELA


Discover how easy it is to automate your software testing with STELA, a tool that improves the quality and efficiency of your development without requiring advanced programming skills.

Benefits of STELA

Automating software testing is essential to ensuring that your applications work correctly and deliver the value your business needs.

With STELA, you can:

  • Reduce defects: Identify and fix defects early.
  • Save Time: Automate repetitive tasks to free up developer time.
  • Ensure consistency: Run tests consistently across different environments.
  • Continuous Improvement: Enable continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) by automating regression testing.
  • Increase coverage: Time savings translate into more automated tests. Increased coverage increases the reliability of software delivered to production.

Outstanding features

STELA stands out for its advanced features and ease of use:

  • Multi-technology automation: STELA can automate workflows across Web, Mobile, Windows, Java, Oracle Forms, SAP, and other applications.
  • Intuitive interface: Designed to be used by both programmers and non-technical staff.
  • Test reuse: Saves time and effort by reusing automations by changing only the data.
  • Advanced Analysis: Provides detailed reporting and analysis of results for better decision making.
  • Scalability: Adapt the scope of testing to your needs, from small projects to large enterprise systems.
  • Robot Maker: Allows you to create robots from test case descriptions, user stories, or any type of requirements document, simplifying the creation of automations.
  • Artificial Intelligence: STELA‘s AI components allow the integration of computer vision capabilities to improve the resilience of robots to application changes.
  • Self-correction: STELA‘s robots can parse the HTML of the web page to locate elements when changes are made to the page structure.This feature allows STELA automations to self-correct and continue to function in the face of changes introduced in new versions.

Use Cases

  • Run automated regression tests after the development team updates the application code, allowing for quick and agile detection and correction of problems.
  • Financial institutions can use STELA to validate transactions and compliance reports to ensure data integrity.
  • Automate the verification of forms on your website to ensure that all fields are working correctly.

Real world examples

  • E-commerce: Automate shopping cart testing to validate that all shopping steps are working correctly.
  • Financial applications: Verify the accuracy of financial calculations and data integrity in real time.
  • Online Education: Ensure registration forms and learning management systems are working properly.

STELA transforms the way you test software, providing a complete and accessible solution for all teams.

See how simple it is to automate with STELA

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